145 Loring Street
Duxbury, MA 02332
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Every dollar supports the growth and development of our students.
Thank you for supporting Bay Farm Montessori Academy.
Bay Farm tuition is designed to fund our year-to-year operating expenses, but it can’t cover the vitally important investments that we make in the long-term health and vitality of the school.
Bay Farm Giving is vital to ensure that we’re able to maintain the high educational and environmental standards you’ve come to expect. Please consider supporting the many great investments made this year in your child’s education.
Every year our goal is to achieve 100% participation of families, faculty, and staff in our fundraising efforts. Strong participation is a testament to the strength of the Bay Farm community and our core mission.
*Donations through this form are considered unrestricted and are directed to the Bay Farm Fund – the school’s annual fundraising account for general use by the school.